Booking Settings

Settings - Booking Settings

Manage the booking settings for the site.

Maximum booking days in advance

This would restrict in days how far in advance a booking can be placed. The default is 365 days. Which would mean anybody accessing the site on the 1st January 2023 would only be able to but upto 1st January 2024.

Maximum bookings per day

This setting allows you to limit how many bookings can be placed for a day. For example for logistical reasons you may only be able to accept two bookings per day.

Leave this field blank for no limit.

Maximum additional products in the booking

Here you can limit how many products a single customer can book in the same booking.

Leave this field blank for no limit.

Collect start/end time

If you would like to know the start and end time of the booking you can enable this here. This will show on the booking checkout page.

Start time

Select the earliest start time. This would limit the start time field for the customer so they cannot select a time before this time.

End time

Select the latest end time. This would limit the end time field for the customer so they cannot select a time after this time.

Time interval

This sets the interval between hours in the start and end time fields. For example 15 minutes would display
